My Story


I miss them quite terribly.My day is too quite without them nearby.Another months,another years,another smile,another tears,another school too but there can never be another friends and sis like them.I miss them soo much.Uhibukifillah Abadan Abada ' Semoga berjaya dunia & akhirat.
Kayh,belajar rajin-rajin n.n Fi hifzillah  ♥ 

T H A N K  Y O U

I even don't realized what I had been through for fourteen years.It just soo fast.But today only I realized that I already passed fourteen years of my life.Alhamdulillah.
My father brought a jubah for me.Not a cake anymore.

"Ayaaaah,cake mana ?"

"Cake?You're not a kid anymore.You're an adolescent.
  kek untuk budak-budak je."

"Ayaaah,remaja kira samalah macam budak-budak jugaaak."

"Ehh,manaa ada.Remaja dengan budak lain.Cuba sebut.Hah,lain kan ?"

"Haaa,tahun lepas ada cake.Tahun lepas remajaaaalah ayah :D "

"Tahun nih,tak payah.Dah tua pun nak cake :P "

"Yalaaah tua -.-' Hah,baru nak suruh cake posing n.n"

Ibu ayah,terima kasih membesarkan dan mendidik saya dengan penuh kasih sayang.'Uhibbukifillah Abadan Abada,Ummmi Abi' :*
I just wanted to say thank you soo much for all of the birthday wishes.It means the world to me that you all are thinking of me on my special day :) May Allah bless you all ' InsyaAllah.
It filled my heart with joy to read all of your kind words.Kayh,bye-bye
Syukran Jazilan ♥